Saturday, November 23, 2019

Social Media, Social Storm or an addiction

Image result for Social Media Clip ArtDid you know on average 69% of U.S. adults use at least one social media site?

Younger adults tend to use a greater variety of social media platforms.
-The median 18 to 29 year-old uses four of these platforms, but that figure drops to three among 30 to 49 year-old's, to two among 50 to 64 year-old's and to one among those 65 and older. 


Percent of users who visit the following social medial platforms at least once a day.
Facebook 68%
Snapchat 78% 
Image result for Social Media Clip ArtInstagram 71%
Twitter 45%
YouTube 94%

Between the sexes

Among women, the most used social media platform is  Facebook at 74%
Pinterest remains substantially more popular with women (41% of whom say they use the site) than with men (16%).

Men however, the most used social media platform is Youtube at 75%.


LinkedIn remains especially popular among college graduates and those in high-income households. Some 50% of Americans with a college degree use LinkedIn, compared with just 9% of those with a high school diploma or less.  20% of those users earning $30,000-$49,999 annually.

The messaging service WhatsApp is popular in Latin America, and this popularity also extends to Latinos in the United States – 49% of Hispanics report that they are WhatsApp users, compared with 14% of whites and 21% of blacks.

25% percentage of those with Some college say they use Twitter.

42% percentage of the urban population uses Instagram and 25% of rural population.


Roughly half of social media users ages 18 to 24 (51%) say it would be hard to give up social media, but just one-third of users ages 50 and older feel similarly.

Would you be able to give up your social media?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Emotional Intelligence

Image result for Emotional Intelligence

My text book defines: Emotional Intelligence- as having the ability to understand emotions, managing emotions to serve goals, empathizing with others and effectively handling relationships with others.

That may be a lot to process for some people or hard to apply to every day situations without context.
The link below simplifies an approach that can help with controlling your impulse to say whatever comes to your mind. Which will aid you in becoming more emotionally intelligent.
Summed up it consists of three basic questions.

  1. Does this need to be said?
  2. Does this need to be said by me?
  3. Does this need to be said by me right now?

Self-awareness is the foundation for emotional intelligence. Basically that means to understand how you will come off to other people you must first understand your own emotions, why you feel the way you do and how is that all affecting how you are as a person.

Without getting to spiritual I'd like to point out that I am a Gemini and I struggle with this really hard. I fall to the victim of Emotional Hijacking, that means I let my emotions control my behavior without thinking and I react quickly and usually unjustly.

Example time:

When I cannot get a hold of my Boyfriend.

What happens:

 I call him a Bunch of times, sometimes they go straight to voicemail and I panic. I assume the worst. That he is in a ditch on the side of the road and he is unconscious. In reality after I've had time to calm down, I know he is asleep and his phone is dead, or he is at work after hours because his boss made him stay late, again, and his reception is bad.

In summary I need to work on my Emotional Intelligence. If I can get control of why I feel the way I feel in the moment, I'll be seen as a better manager, less crazy, and I wont jump to conclusions or say mean things when he doesn't respond.

Honestly it is something we all need to work on.

So here's that link, and thanks for reading :]

also the link for the image for legal purposes...

Social Media, Social Storm or an addiction

Did you know on average 69% of U.S. adults use at least one social media site? Younger adults tend to use a greater variety of soc...